The ISIA of Faenza contains many laboratories equipped for study and research activities:

  1. Physical Modelling Laboratory
  2. Technical Ceramics Laboratory
  3. IT Laboratory
  4. Photography Laboratory
  5. Video-making Laboratory
  6. Car-design Laboratory
  7. Broad-spectrum Laboratory (wood, metal, PVC, etc.)

Laboratory access regulations:

1) Physical Modelling Laboratory

All Laboratory equipment must be used under the supervision of the teacher who is also entrusted with running the laboratory session, ensuring the correct use of equipment and conduction of foreseen activities. Access to students is permitted:

  • During lesson time and in the presence of responsible teaching staff;
  • during laboratory opening times and in the presence of the teacher or the designated part-time laboratory support student, in the latter case subject to written authorisation from the Director.


Students are required to correctly and diligently use and maintain laboratory equipment and to comply with all safety regulations in force.

2) IT Laboratory

Students and teaching staff have free access to the IT lab outside lesson time.

Students are requested to correctly use all laboratory equipment; the alteration of IT equipment configuration and the acquisition of any material from the internet that is harmful, offensive or protected by copyright, is forbidden.

Breaches to these regulations shall entail prosecution.

3) Photography Laboratory

Access and use of the Photography Laboratory is regulated by Annex 6 of the Institute’s Regulations.

Access permits may be granted by the Director, the teacher of the Photography and Post-production Course or similar and, subject to consultation with the latter, by teachers of other subjects.