ISIA Faenza’s students Alessandra Serino and Marta Tiezzi won the two scholarships provided by MIC for the project “Decò decoration for textile” focused on research and design of fabrics developed in relation to the exhibition “Déco. Il gusto di un’epoca” now on display at MIC in Faenza until October 1st.


Through a historical-stylistic investigation of the Deco period, ISIA Faenza’s students were called upon to develop proposals of decorative patterns for fabrics, which recalled the stylistic features of works on display but still contained a reference to contemporaneity. The aim was to create a research and work methodology that is consistent with hand printed techniques on fabrics.


This was possible thanks to the collaboration with MIC the International Museum of Ceramics in Faenza, MZDS studio and Stamperia Bertozzi that will realizes the two winning projects.