ESDA2The main objective of the School of Design of Aragon is the education of our students by providing a quality education that enables them to meet the professional challenge posed practise of design. The educational provision is carried through a didactic methodology which seeks active student participation, experimentation, humanistic education and innovative skills development. The willingness to engage the student in the learning process needs the use of non-dogmatic instruments that provide students with a multidisciplinary training to complete the actions aimed at improving the academic and pedagogical quality of the training project.

The Graduate School of Design works to create a learning environment in which students learn how to learn, therefore, our students receive individualized attention through tutorial action plans for the proper development and monitoring of the training processes self-learning.

The Graduate School of Design of Aragon is the only public center of Aragón in Arts and design Education adapted to the criteria of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Our educational offer includes the specialties of Graphic Design, Interior Design and Product Design regulated by Royal Decree 633/2010 of 14 May, in addition to the Adjustment courses for grade, for graduates with GLSES plan.
